

Join Amateur Astronomer Association (Bombay)

Astronomy may be most simply defined as the study of astronomical objects and phenomenon. It is concerned with most domains in Science like Physics and Chemistry as well as skills like Navigation.

Mathematics is also engraved in the study of astronomy. As such, Astronomy Clubs are a very effective medium to introduce these subjects to students outside of the classroom and maintain an everlasting interest.

  1. Increases a sense of excitement and wonder amongst the students.
  2. Astronomy Association give them a scientific structure for the study of astronomy.
  3. Gives them a peer group to share their passion and learning.
  4. Astronomy Association are a great platform to interact with professionals and amateurs alike.
  5. Study of astronomy polishes many other important skills.

Astronomy Clubs are a great way to share these common interests and engage people of all age groups in looking up and thinking about the vast sky. The study of astronomy is a well-defined science, but it begins with the amateur astronomers whose passion is to look up at the sky. Ranging from serious scientific data collection projects to organizing star parties, astronomy clubs can undertake a variety of activities:

Star Parties, Star Hopping and Naked Eye Observations, Telescopic Observations, Astronomy Club Activities

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Contact for more Details : Bharat Adur: 93209 49919 / Mangesh Sutar : 99877 44889
